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Medications & Your Child’s Oral Health: Tips from Providence Pediatric Dentist | Dentist Near Me

Pediatric Dentist in Providence

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around one in five children is currently prescribed medications, with over half taking vitamins or dietary supplements. While these medications are essential for your child’s health, they can sometimes have side effects that impact their oral health. At Providence Pediatric Dentistry, we emphasize the importance of informing us about your child’s medications to ensure comprehensive dental care. Here are common medication side effects and how to mitigate their impact on oral health:

  1. Dry Mouth: Many medications, like decongestants and certain antibiotics, can decrease saliva production, leading to dry mouth. Encourage your child to drink more water, chew sugar-free gum, and consume crunchy foods to stimulate saliva production and prevent oral health problems.
  2. Fungal Infection: Children who use inhalers for conditions like asthma may develop oral candidiasis, a fungal infection. Prompt rinsing with water after inhaler use can help prevent this infection.
  3. Abnormal Bleeding: Some medications thin the blood, increasing the risk of excessive bleeding during oral surgeries or treatments for periodontal disease. Inform your dentist about your child’s medications before scheduling any dental procedures.
  4. Gum Overgrowth: Rarely, certain medications can cause gum overgrowth, particularly anticonvulsants, antibiotics, and blood pressure medications. Monitor your child’s gum health and inform your dentist if you notice any changes.
  5. Soft Tissue Reactions: Inflammation, oral sores, or discoloration of soft tissues may occur as a side effect of some medications. Our team can prescribe a specialized oral hygiene regimen to alleviate discomfort if needed.
  6. Tooth Decay: While not a direct side effect, some medications contain sugars that can contribute to tooth decay over time. Opt for sugar-free medications, encourage taking them with meals, and have your child rinse with water after medicating.

If your child experiences any of these side effects or if you have questions about their medications, don’t hesitate to contact Providence Pediatric Dentist for a consultation. We’re here to safeguard your child’s oral health every step of the way.

Providence Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: (401) 272-3443
111 Point Street, Suite #1
Providence, RI 02903

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Providence Pediatric Dentistry | Pediatric Dentist in Providence | (401) 272-3443
111 Point St. Suite 1 | Providence, Rhode Island 02903

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